
(以上故事由「香港世界宣明會」工作人員Graeme McSolvin提供。)
1 則留言:
Ayse W.
I've only experienced something like that with Lufthansa
About three years ago I did a lot of flying. My regular route at that time was Munich – Istanbul – Munich. Once again I was flying back to Munich. As I prefer it when it's quieter, I only ever fly on weekdays.
But this time I wasn't going to get much peace. Quite the reverse, as there was a tour group on the same flight, and so there were not many empty seats. I had a pile of recent Turkish newspapers with me. A German couple were already seated in my row. They obviously didn't find the prospect of sitting next to a Turkish woman terribly thrilling. I couldn't fail to overhear their comment: "And on top of that, she’s Turkish. That's a bit much!"
Now, although I have a Turkish passport, I am in fact half Swedish. So it can't have been my looks that bothered them. But since they had voiced their displeasure out loud I summoned the flight attendant, and without addressing a single word to the couple, I told her: "This gentleman and his wife don't want to sit beside a Turkish woman. Do you think I could move to another seat if there is an empty one on the plane?"
The flight attendant reacted superbly, and asked me: "Would you perhaps mind sitting in Business Class?" The couple next to me were a) non-plussed that I spoke perfect German – and b) very envious that the Lufthansa crew offered me this solution.
Isn’t that a wonderful story?